Dr. John Carbon’s first job after high school was working as an orderly at The Burke Rehabilitation Center in White Plains, NY. He earned his BS, with a major in biology & minor in chemistry at Buena Vista College in IA and his MS in environmental biology from Long Island U.
Before attending UNECOM, he worked for Sperry Univac Corporation, state and county government, as a biologist in FL, and taught mostly Anatomy, with some Public Heath & Chemistry, at Palmer Chiropractic College, Norwalk Community College, and UNE. He served his internship in the Mt. Sinai system in NY and his residency in the Sinai Johns Hopkins program in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. John served as an attending for a large multi-specialty group in Baltimore, a medical and orthopedic group in CT, and worked his own practice primarily in interventional PM/R. He then served as medical director for an inpatient rehabilitation unit for a 300-bed hospital in RI. Now he is semi-retired, enjoying helping patients on an inpatient 36-bed unit on weekends.